Crash Log Collection
We are always interested in stamping out crashes. We hate them too! So if you’re inclined and wish to help us do this, please follow the instructions below to catch your crash red-handed, then send us the crash log so we can see what happened and get it resolved! Thanks so much in advance. PCVR […]
Getting Started with FreelandVR Beta!
For a smooth experience after purchasing a Beta pack…
Limited beta keys now for sale!

We are happy to announce that we have started selling a limited amount of beta keys, so take your chance in our shop while it’s still available! The Freeland team is looking forward to meet all of you in-game shortly! Edit: Beta key offer ended.
Freeland VR at Immersive Tech Week Rotterdam

We want to share some reactions from VRdays of Immersive Tech Week in Rotterdam with you.
Changelog – August 23, 2022

We know it was a bit quiet around the project last months. We’ve worked very hard on full Meta Quest 2 standalone support with a lot of other improvements. Here you can find an overview. ul > li; cls: bdt-animation-slide-right-small; delay: 50″> Added AddedImplemented a dynamic fog system AddedImplemented a traffic system for Time Rise […]
Meta Quest 2 standalone alpha tests

Did you notice our latest Kickstarter update? We know it was a bit quiet around the project last months. We’ve worked very hard on full Meta Quest 2 standalone support with a lot of other improvements. Now it’s time to test it! Starting Wednesday, 24th August 2022 servers will be and stay online. So this […]
Preparing for new alpha tests

We are preparing the next upcoming alpha, where we hope to have Oculus Quest 2 support and some other major updates based on the valuable feedback we have received from our amazing Kickstarter backers during the last four alpha test that have been exclusive to backers. Stay tuned for more updates. Best regards, Freeland VR […]
Website rework

After 2 weeks of development we want to introduce our new website layout with new content and functions.